Do self-adhesive label materials for the structure of the surface is composed of three parts from the surface material, adhesive and backing paper (release paper) form; from self-adhesive label materials production process and ensure that the printing quality material by about seven aspectsof performance: First, the surface coating is used to change the surface properties of the surface material. Such asimprovingthesurfacetension,change colors, add protective layer, so that the finished product at the time of printing self-adhesive materials have good strength and is easy to dwell with the bar code printer, to prevent dirt, increase adhesion and prevent printing ink off graphic the purpose. Surface coating is mainly used for non-absorbent materials such as aluminum foil, metallized paper and a variety of thin film materials. Second, the surfaces thatthesurfacematerial, a positive acceptance of printed graphics on the back coating binder (adhesive) and eventually, to be pastedonthematerialthings.Generallyspeaking, those who can be flexible deformation of the material can be used as self-adhesive fabric material, such as the common paper, film, foilcomposite, all kinds of textiles, thin sheet metal and rubber and so on. Surfaces depends on the type of application and final printing processing. Surfaces to be able to meet the printing and print, has a good inking of, and have sufficient strength to accept all kinds of processing, such as cutting, waste, slitting, punching and labeling, etc. Third, the coated substrate and the coating in that it is coated on the surface material of the back, painted the bottom of the main objectives are: (1) to protect surfaces and prevent adhesive penetration. (2) increase the opacity of the fabric; (3) increase the adhesive with the bond strength between the surface material; (4) to prevent the plasticizer in the plastic surfaces penetrate into the adhesive, the impact of its adhesive properties, lead to lower bond strength labels, labels fall off. Fourth, self-adhesivelabelmaterials and adhesives are to be affixed the importance of bonding material, play a role in bonding, adhesive performance determines the use ofselfadhesive effect. By adhesive properties are divided into two kinds of permanent and removable. There are a variety of adhesive formulations for different surfaces and different occasions. Adhesive is self-adhesive materials technology in the mostimportantingredientisthekeylabelapplicationtechnology. Fifth, release coating (coated silicon layer) that is at the end of the paper surface coating layer of silicone oil, silicone coated base paper can become very low surface tension, very smooth surface, is to prevent the adhesive bonding of paper in the bottom on. Sixth, at the end of the paper (release paper) is coated with release agent, the material used to protect the back of the adhesive surface, the surface coating to protect surfaces, to keep it clean, intact, and applied to the die-cutting, row waste and posted at the subject of the whole, self-adhesive label on the back coating process (back printing process) is at the end of the paper on the back of a protective coating to prevent the discharge of waste, after rewinding the label around the adhesive bonding in the end paper. Another role is to create multi-layer labels. Role is in the back printed printed on the back end of the paper manufacturer's registered trademark or design, promotional products play image, and can play a security role. Generally speaking, self-adhesive materials from five categories: adhesive properties by classification, can be divided into permanent removal of adhesive materials and adhesive materials; by adhesive coating technology categories, can be divided into hot melt-type adhesive material, solvent and emulsion-type adhesive material adhesive materials; adhesives and chemical properties by classification, divided into two kinds of rubber based and acrylic self-adhesive materials; paper properties by the end of the classification the end of thepaperisdivided into opaque, translucent and transparent to the end of the end of the paper self-adhesive paper, three kinds of materials; classificationaccording to surface material properties, into the paper self-adhesive materials, adhesive materials and special adhesive membrane material.
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